About the organization:

Stichting Sacha Huagra Foundation
Johannes van der Waalsstraat 58H
1098PP Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.

KvK-nummer 92696538
RSIN 866143956
SBI-code: 91042

Remuneration policy
Board members of the Sacha Huagra Foundation do not receive any compensation for their work. Expenses can be reimbursed.

Our mission
Our mission is to preserve and protect the habitat of the mountain tapir and the species it shares its home with.

The Sacha Huagra Foundation is ANBI-recognized.

An ANBI (= Algemeen nut beogende instelling) is Dutch for PBO or Public Benefit Organisation. An institution can be qualified as a PBO when at least 90% of the institutions efforts are focused on the general good. Natural and legal persons making donations to a PBO may deduct their gifts from their Dutch income tax or corporate income tax.

As a PBO we must meet the conditions as put by the Tax and Customs Administration of the Netherlands. One of the conditions is the publication of the yearly figures.